Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Life

Is my life really my life? Is my body really my body? Is this pain really all my pain? Am I living right now? Does it really matter? You don't know me. You might think I look like a nerdy kid with freckles everywhere and braces. No, you don't know me one single bit. I am brown, I live in Georgia, I am Mexican. I'm tall enough to reach on top of the fridge. I have lived for 16 years. I'm a teenager. I feel I have live for a long time. My name? Jimmy Rhomberg. Is my name really my name? Or was it meant for someone else? My father gave it to me. Not the father I have now. He is.. nothing of me. My dad named me after a toilet, well that's what I think. What else should I tell you of myself? School? Anti-school was the usual, boring and just..not exciting. Anti-school? What is that? It's the same as saying school but I call it Anti-school since they don't really teach you anything. I have wasted so much time in school, I think it's better to not be in there since I don't learn anything at all. Are you judging me right now? You don't know me. You might think I look like a nerdy kid with freckles everywhere and braces. No, you don't know me one single bit.

My mother doesn't know me much. Why? Because she leaves for work early and comes back late at night. She thinks she knows me, just because I'm her son, no. When she comes home early at times, she always ask me how things are in school, home and myself. When she asks me how I'm doing, I always tell her everything is ok. Why does she always have to leave me with the man at home? She makes the living in the house, if I could really call it a home. She leaves me with the man that treats me bad and never tells me anything nice. He barely works and when he does go to work he comes back in the midnight. He makes weird trips because he comes back late at night and always goes at night. My mother wants me to accept him as my father but no one will ever take the place of my father. I actually don't know my father much since he has left me. He left me when I was 7. My mother wouldn't tell me anything about him but that he as a bad man. I don't think he was a really bad man. I have a feeling he was never a bad man.

I really don't think my life is really my life. Why? Because It's just that a life would be enjoying life. I don't enjoy a single bit. I just enjoy my life when I'm in school. Why just in school? Because I get to see the most beautiful girl in the world. Yes, cheesy but I really can't see another girl like that. She has dark brown curly hair, her eyes are bright whenever she is in the sun, her face is just like looking at a beautiful portrait, and her smile is so bright I get lost in them. That is the only part of my life I really enjoy. She always makes feel in the clouds whenever I see her. What's her name? Daisy Garcia. Great name for a beautiful person. I barely have friends. Why? Because I don't talk much and when I have friends either they don't respect me for who I am or they are just backstabbers. My real friends are close to me and think they know me, too. They don't know a single think about me. They think they are so close they are my best-friends. I have no best-friends. In my whole entire life I had one best-friend. I have no life. You think you might know me. You don't know me. You might think I look like a nerdy kid with freckles everywhere and braces. No, you don't know me one single bit.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How It Feels To Be An American

What it feels to be an American? When you hear the word "American" you instantly think of white people. Why not African Americans? Native Americans? Mexican American? I consider myself Mexican because of my parents and also because I was rise there. Even though I'm American, from Bakersfield, California, I consider myself Mexican. Don't take me wrong or anything! Being American is great and everything but since I was little I had consider myself fully Mexican.

In my 3rd grade class, I was still in Mexico, they taught me how to sing the Independence song. I can remember some parts of my childhood but not everything. Since I was little I was taught to grow up strong and wise. In Mexico you need to be very smart with stuff or else people will take advantage of you. However It's still longer than the "Start Spangle Banner". Mexican celebrate Independence like there was never-tomorrow. Being free and having the freedom of speech is pretty good because in North Korean or in some countries, from what I heard is bad. You have to watch your mouth and watch what you say before you even say anything. Having the right to express your feelings and do something (not illegal) you like to do without someone telling you anything.

Have the right to practice any religion. Everyone have rights no matter what race nor what religion they practice. People might judge you because there will always be people like that everywhere you go. People who won't like you will be those people who will try to bring you down the most painful days of your life. Being American is being free! Being able to express yourself. Also to do whatever you would want to do, not bad. People might think being American is about just sitting and eating all day or being lazy or just be locked up and not be able to do anything at all.. no. You get to have your voice heard and if that doesn't work then you do a strike.

EPT Test

The argument she is writing about is about advertising useless stuff instead of stuff we actually need. Sue Jozui writes "This kind of marketing is misleading and insults the intelligence of the audience.." What I think she meant by this is, that they are making the audience think they should have the  item the celebrity is advertising.

Her argument seems legit. Why? Because why would we want advertisements that show useless stuff and wasting around $200,000 million dollars on just advertisements every single year! I agree with her. what if there wasn't anyone going to college for less advertisements we have of getting better jobs in life? What then? No doctors, police, teachers, etc. The resources we actually need we aren't getting the.. Celebrities are just doing it for the money instead for what the people actually need.

The issues we have now are money. We are using the money for useless stuff instead of using it for the useful things, no, we aren't. Why are we losing so much money in the things we don't need at all. The government is brainwashing us! People don't notice because they are already brainwashed. What if there wasn't god? Never existed.. and government was god? They just brainwashing with a lot of things. You have no word in here. The government is just taking the money for advertising whatever they want. They want you to be the way THEY want you to be with all these advertisements.

If a celebrity has a new car or toothpaste or anything they are trying to advertise.. Should we buy it? they want you to be like they want you to be. they are brainwashing you and if you haven't noticed it's because you have been brainwashed already! Never make them think like they want you to. Wasting money, throwing it away instead of buying water, clothes or even food for countries that really need it at all! Throwing million of dollars for nothing. Should we really let them do this to us? What do you think of them? Would you prefer advertisements that are just for stuff we don't need at all OR would you prefer wasting your money on something that really helps OUR country or other, for our country to be a better place instead of what it is nowadays. What would YOU choose?
Choose now.. Before it's too late.