Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How It Feels To Be An American

What it feels to be an American? When you hear the word "American" you instantly think of white people. Why not African Americans? Native Americans? Mexican American? I consider myself Mexican because of my parents and also because I was rise there. Even though I'm American, from Bakersfield, California, I consider myself Mexican. Don't take me wrong or anything! Being American is great and everything but since I was little I had consider myself fully Mexican.

In my 3rd grade class, I was still in Mexico, they taught me how to sing the Independence song. I can remember some parts of my childhood but not everything. Since I was little I was taught to grow up strong and wise. In Mexico you need to be very smart with stuff or else people will take advantage of you. However It's still longer than the "Start Spangle Banner". Mexican celebrate Independence like there was never-tomorrow. Being free and having the freedom of speech is pretty good because in North Korean or in some countries, from what I heard is bad. You have to watch your mouth and watch what you say before you even say anything. Having the right to express your feelings and do something (not illegal) you like to do without someone telling you anything.

Have the right to practice any religion. Everyone have rights no matter what race nor what religion they practice. People might judge you because there will always be people like that everywhere you go. People who won't like you will be those people who will try to bring you down the most painful days of your life. Being American is being free! Being able to express yourself. Also to do whatever you would want to do, not bad. People might think being American is about just sitting and eating all day or being lazy or just be locked up and not be able to do anything at all.. no. You get to have your voice heard and if that doesn't work then you do a strike.

1 comment:

  1. Love what you wrote about being an american . I feel the same way when think about the USA , you think of white people. A cool fact is that we are the only country that see color not nationality, that sucks huh. But in France they see blacks,whites, and etc all the same .
