Thursday, January 22, 2015

Civil Disobedience

Civil Disobedience
Are we really disobeying the law? Are we really going against our own government? Or are we trying to make the US or our country a better place? Why is our government so corrupt? They think they are doing goof to us, but instead they are hurting us. Why would a government want us to be so afraid of cops/police. As we have seen today, white cops are killing black people just for standing up for themselves or EVEN walking! The then start saying lies that they had a gun or they were threatening them. We can’t even walk in the streets without being scared. Without having to watch your back all the time. We fight for our own people. We stay together and we unite! In my opinion what our government is and what they do for us is nothing. They do it because THEY want to, not for us. We have to fight for our own people. We have to make them hear our names and who have died for us. They don’t fight for us, we fight for them, and we fight for our own. Together we speak, together we fight… This is a strike. “No country has ever become, or will ever become happy through victory in war...” –Mohandas K. Gandhi
Howard Zinn is a professor emeritus at Boston University. Cihan Aksan and Hon Bailes gave an interview to Howard. In one point of the interview he has been asked “Why do people submit so readily to injustice?” He says that people have been taught to respect and trust the President, their minister, even their family. They may tell them to submit to injustice because they feel they owe something to their government, or their church or their family. He also said, that the system is wanting us to judge other people or justify someone by the system. We need to make this society morally better and justified. We put the rules and we tell who we are. You don’t see advertisements of what is right and what is wrong. You have to learn by yourself. He says that our problem civil obedience, and not civil disobedience. :Both in way and in the law courts and everywhere else you must do whatever your city and your country command” I strongly agree with him because we are being treaty like lab rats and we have to do whatever they tell us to do. Should we really listen them or our people?
“… there are two types of laws: there are just and there are unjust laws. I would agree with Saint Augustino that “An unjust law is no law at all.” Now what is the difference between the two? How does one determine when a law is just or unjust? A just law is a manmade code the squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that us out of harmony with the moral law…” -Martin Luther King ,Jr. In my own words King’s quote here is legit, why?  Because we make the just laws and the government does the unjust laws. Laws that think they is right. He was fighting for his own people’s justice. We fight everywhere for our own. If you see around the world you can see people fighting for laws that are not fair or fighting for soldiers to come back. King has been getting his ideas from Gandhi and Thoreau. We all have an idea, but the government can’t be one. You might think our government is great is killing us little by little, if you haven’t noticed. America isn’t the greatest country in the world.             American isn’t the greatest country in the world, anymore. We used to fight for what was right, not for a stupid idea or reason. American isn’t the only country with freedom. There are around 178 countries with freedom. You realize right now that the government is making you think that America is the only one with freedom. They have brainwashed you with all the lies they had said and do. If you haven’t noticed, then you are probably brainwashed by now. They say they fight for us and say we are all they need. No, lies they say, we don’t need them to be happy or have laws. We need humans, not robots. We are just doing what they told us to do. NO! We are not machines! We are people. We are human beings like them, but they don’t understand. Also think about this for a second, has the government brainwashed us so much they could have made a myth about God itself? What if the government was God? Have they brainwashed us all that? We don’t disobey. We obey for what is right and not for robots.      We are not the problem. We don’t break laws. We make them. The government thinks that we are doing awful by not following what they tell us to do. Is it really wrong to disobey something that is wrong? Is it that bad that even some of us have to go to jail? We are fighting for a cause. The government doesn’t see this, they see it some other type of way. They think us as useless, unless we are helping them by fighting for them in the war or working for them. They think of us as machines, we are not machines. We are human beings, with feelings! We just don’t let others fight for us but we fight with them. We help them. We help our people even though sometimes you might not see it, some people do it without you even knowing. Why do we not realize that the government is corrupt? They do things that no one asked for, for example sending troops to countries that don’t even need help. We send people to kill other people. Some of us judge others but that’s life. We aren’t perfect, but sometimes people are not good enough for others, for example they think Muslims are terrorists. Do we really want to show our future children that judging is good? That labeling people is good? No, why don’t we all put some work on this fight together? What do you lose to help? Do you lose your dignity by helping out people who need our help or need resources? No, even better, you gain dignity by helping others without looking back, or looking at other people doing it. Why do you want attention for something you are doing good, IF YOU know you are doing good. Do good without looking back at others.


  1. I liked how you put Howard zinn because I have read 2 of his books and he explains it it based on both sides.

  2. Your essay really goes deep and explains the depth of Civil disobedience and what it means like when you said An unjust law is a code that us out of harmony with the moral law, it made good sense

  3. You had a few spelling errors but if you are against a statement you should quote it and support with evidence why you agree or disagree with it. And state your opinion on how you feel about it, it will take a lot information up and it will give you more ideas on what to write.
